The medical team consisting of lips and maxillofacial surgeons specialists, anesthetic doctors and nurses, accounting for 30 persons were ready to conduct cleft lips and palate surgery.
The activity was conducted thanks to the collaboration between Persatuan Dokter Gigi Indonesia (PDGI), PT Berau Coal, Health Office (Dinkes) Berau and RSUD Abdul Rivai Tanjung Redeb, Last Tuesday (2/6).
As many as 25 patients passed the validation stage conducted by Dinkes Berau. “We help gathering the patients by sweeping up to the puskesmas in the villages, however the validation was assigned to the involved doctor team,” explained Totoh Hermanto, head of Dinkes Berau.
This third free surgery was obtaining positive response from various parties. PT Berau Coal, as the primary sponsor, was contributing in terms of accommodating the patients, moreover those who were coming from the village areas.
“From Japan, there were 2 specialist doctors, 2 from Makasar, and 1 from Palu”, Rustam Ambo Asse, chairman of PDGI Berau, as the chairman of the cleft lips surgery committee explained further.
For the Japanese specialist doctors, it was their first surgery in Berau. Whereas, the surgeons from Makasar were frequently participating in this activity, even since the first time until now.
The implementation of surgery was planned for 2 to 3 days because the operating process can be done only to 3 patients at the same time.
“We relied on the surgeons, when to start. And they started the surgery yesterday (2/6), gradually until today,” this Chairman of PDGI added.
The public hospital in Jalan Pulau Panjang, Tanjung Rejeb also took part in this free surgery. Special room on the upper floor, Melati Room, was used as the special operating theater for the cleft lips surgery patients.
“We prepared the infrastructure optimally so that the patients would feel comfortable although it is only second class room. The room, which was no longer used, was reactivated for this activity, because majority of the patients were children, and the room we provided was indeed specific for children,” explained Erva Anggriana, public relation of RSUD Abdul Rivai.
In addition to the operating theater, the medical team was also prepared by the hospital to support the surgery process. “Becase we have prepared this for a long time, and this is the third time, we learned from the previous experience in order to provide optimum services, “Erva ascertianed.
One partient explained to have the cleft lips surgery for the second time, and hoping that this would be the last surgery to be taken. “Hopefully, this is the last because
it is only the improvement in the gum area, I was concerned about my children if having one surgery after another,” said Rafika, the mother of Gideon, which is included in the patients list.