In celebrating the World Environment Day on last June 5, PT Berau Coal organized trees planting activity in Site Lati.
In this trees planting, Vice Head of Mining Technique (KTT) PT Berau Coal, Suhartono, said that this was an activity to train all mining employees about the care to the future of Berau Regency.
Also attending the event was the partner of PT Berau Coal such as DNX, BUMA, Ricobana, Cominco, United Tractor, and Trakindo, as well as project managers and staff. Around 4 hectares of bare land at the Site Lati coal mining were chosen for the planting of 500 trees.
“The trees planting was not once, because every Friday, we always plant the tree. However, in order to celebrate the World Environment Day, we participate in form of greening the ex-mining site. There are several types of trees such as Johar, Kayu Putih, Sengon and Gempol,” he said.
In addition to the celebration of World Environment Day, the specific purpose of trees planting was to show the care to the mining environment.
“It is not only the enviro section that should do this task, all partners involved in Site Lati should also take part to show their care, and to feel how the trees planting was, the planting management, and so fort,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Environment Superintendent PT Berau Coal, Abdul Hamid Tasra said that this year, his section focuses more on the activity in Tanjung Redeb Subdistrict.
“From this activity, we actually want to tell the people that we also care to the environment. Despite the award to Site Lati from the government last year,” he described.
This activity was also aimed to arouse the opinion that the good environmental management must aware to the moral responsibility as the mine workers which exploit natural resources in their environment.
“We want to give the insight that we are mine workers, and out there, there are still many that said we are just exploiting the natural resources. We want to change that stereotype, that we also care and are responsible to reclaim the environment after exploiting the natural resources,” he explained.
It was not only a warning, and he hoped that the activity should continue in the future. “We hope every employee both in PT Berau Coal and the partners have th sense of responsibility to the greening of Berau Regency. And hopefully, the environment can be reclaimed and recover as original although not exactly the same, but we have shown our effort to reclaim and recover them,” he concluded.