PT Berau Coal provided assistance in the form of school uniform for children in the Indigenous Peoples Community / Komunitas Adat Terpencil (KAT) Lati Kilometer (Km) 2 area in early July.
This is a routine activity that PT Berau Coal does every year. The aim is to help residents education in the KAT Lati, because as is known, the majority of children there drop out of school.
“That’s why we help them so they can continue their education. This assistance itself is in the form of school uniforms, stationery, transportation to school, basic necessities, and so on,” Jaliman -one of a Berau Coal CSR LMO’s area team- said.
Basically, PT Berau Coal hopes that the children in the KAT area will continue their education, despite the limited costs.
On this occasion, as many as 57 children received school uniform assistance, each of which was divided to KAT Km 2 Lati, KAT Pettung, and KAT Dormitory. And this it has been carried out since 2010.
Separately, Asna as residents of KAT Km 2 Lati was thanked for the assistance provided by PT Berau Coal to KAT Lati residents.
“We are very grateful that PT Berau Coal constantly take a care for our children,” he concluded