In National Commemoration of K3 (Occupational Health and Safety) in 2016, PT Berau Coal (BC) holds a variety of activities with a theme of K3 in a corporate environment. With the theme of Smart in Innovating and Ensuring Safety, Activities conducted on February is welcomed with enthusiasm by the employees and partners of PT Berau Coal.
The event begins with the opening ceremony of K3 Month (29/1) and then at the Head Office of PT Berau Coal. Presents Feri Indrayana as GM Operations of PT Berau Coal as the Trustee of the ceremony. Feri said that the theme brought by BC is currently aligned with the theme of the 2016 National K3 Month” Increase the culture of K3 to Promote Productivity and Competitiveness of Market in the International Market”.
” It is is expected that with this theme, we are able to pump a spirit of innovation, the success of the transformation program “Berau Coal CERDAS” brought by the company today, and still gives priority to safety or occupational safety in every joint operations of PT Berau Coal “, he said.
” Commemoration of K3 Month 2016 becomes one of the strategic momentum for us all, to recall the importance of safety / occupational safety and this momentum is also able to increase awareness and understanding of workers on all aspects of K3, so that the culture of K3 within the operational of BC is able to be maintained and always improved forward”. added.
A series of events will be held to enliven Commemoration of National K3 Month in PT Berau Coal such as Futsal, Quiz Competition, Seminar on Safety Management System of Mining (SMKP) Mining, Health Seminar that will discuss the threat and prevention of diseases Degenerative planned on February 13, 2016 by bringing cardiologists and internal medicine in collaboration with the Laboratory of Khatulistiwa.
Not to forget, BC will also hold a running competition / Fun Run 5 Km entitled “Challenge Your Limit” of early March. Fun Run race is the most anticipated event in each year. Add a festive activity, HK3N quiz comes every day by providing questions about K3 for BC employees and its partners through the MBS FM 103.4 radio.
Not only in internal environments, BC is rolling Rescue Goes To School activities in five schools around Tanjung Redeb as a form of concern of Company to K3 in the community of learners.
The activity will be filled with simulated Disaster Management and First Aid Rescue Team BC at the same capture rescue cadre of BC at the level of students as part of an emergency response team of Berau District.
Suparli, Safety Specialist Investigation PT Berau Coal as the Chairman of the organizing committee of K3 Month celebration activities in 2016 said that this month’s celebration is held aimed to instill K3 culture for all employees so that BC employees and its partners to achieve Zero Accident.
” I believe, by following these activities it can improve morale and motivation to continue to contribute positively to the culture of K3 in BC environment. (EDS)