In reference to the Financial Services Authority Regulation no. 032 /POJK.04/ 2014 dated 8 December 2014 regarding Planning and Execution of The General Meeting of Shareholders of The Listed Company and Bapepam and Financial Institutions Regulation No.X.K.1 attachment to the Chairman of Bapepam Decree No.Kep-86/PM/1996 dated 24 January 1996 concerning Disclosure of Information that Must be Made Public Immediately, herewith PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk (“the Company”) announcing to the shareholders that the Company has held an Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (“Meeting”) with Resolution of the Meeting as follows:
The Meeting was held on Wednesday, 19 August 2015 , at the Anggrek Meeting Room, Sampoerna Strategic Square-North Tower 3A Floor, Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 45-46 , South Jakarta 12930, started at 10.16 AM and ended at 10.50 AM.
Meeting Agenda:
- Approval for changes of the Company’s Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
The Meeting was attended by members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, as follows:
- Prof. Dr. Ir. Irwandy Arif, M.Sc as Commissioner
- Ir. Arief Wiedhartono as Independent Director
The Meeting was attended by the shareholders and/or its proxy representing 29.656.305.604 shares or 84,98 % from all the number of shares issued by the Company with legal voting right, which was amounted to 34.900.000.000 legitimate shares.
During the presentation of the meeting agenda, the shareholders and/or its proxy were given the opportunity to ask questions and/or opinion by way of raising hands and fill in the question form.
Resolution of the Meeting was taken based on deliberation to reach an agreement. In the event a resolution made based on deliberation to reach an agreement is not reached, then resolution shall be adopted by made by voting with due consideration to the meeting attendance quorum and meeting decisions quorum.
Agenda No. | The number of shareholders and/or its proxy who raised questions |
Voting Result |
Agree |
Disagree |
Abstain |
1 | 1 person (representing 1.118.000 shares) | 29.575.717.404 shares (99,73% from the attendees) | 2 persons (represent 80.588.200 shares) | Nil |
Meeting Resolution:
To honorably discharged all of the current members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company and also appointed the new members of Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, termination and appointment will be commencing from the close of the meeting. Starting from the close of the meeting, the composition of the members of Boards of Commissioners and the Board of Directors until the 5th (fifth) Annual General Meetings of Shareholders after the appointment date as follows:
Board of Commissioners:
President Commissioner : Ir. Gandi Sulistiyanto Soeherman
Vice President Commissioner/
Independent Commissioner : DR. Marsetio
Independent Commissioner : Deswandhy Agusman
Commissioner : DR. H. Darmono, S.H., M.M.
Board of Director:
President Director : Fuganto Widjaja
Director : Bambang Heruawan Haliman
Director : Edy Santoso, S.H., M.H.
Independent Director : Ir. Arief Wiedhartono
In relation to the matters above, the Meetings also granted the power of attorney to the Board of Directors and/or the Corporate Secretary of the Company, together or individually, to declare the Meeting Results into a notarial deed.
To appear in front of the notary when required, to provide information and reports, to prepare or giving order to prepare as well as signing all the letters or deed required and informing the changes of the Company’s management composition to the authorized institution, made changes and/or addition required for the report to be accepted and further to do anything required and necessary to execute the matters above, without any exclusion.
Jakarta, 20 August 2015
Board of Director