Association of Indonesian Television Jurnalist (IJTI) of East Kalimantan, Berau Coordinator, held a journalistic workshop for senior high and college students in Berau Regency for two days in 19-20 December 2016 in Berau Training Center (BTC), Parapatan.
The workshop supported by PT Berau Coal via Public Relation Department and Public Relation of the Berau Government was attended by many participants. Secretary of IJTI Kaltim, Jasmin, who also the speaker of the workshop, explained that the journalistic workshop as part of knowledge sharing for the youth generation in Berau Regency on journalistic.
As the caretaker of IJTI Kaltim, Jasmin also express the gratitude to the Vice Regent of Berau, Agus Tamtomo who gives serious attention to the journalist and even present to open the journalistic workshop. And PT Berau Coal which fully supports the workshop.
“We expect that the participants could benefit the training because this kind of training is rarely organized in Berau, and usually this kind of workshop is organized in big cities with contribution fee,”, Farhan Soeprapto, Media Relation Specialist who happened to give an opening speech.
In line with Farhan, Agus Tamtomo also expected the participant to benefit the workshop optimally in order to improve their journalistic knowledge and appreciate the journalist in IJTI by organizing the workshop for students in Berau Regency.
The workshop is organized differently than seminar, where in the workshop the participants does not only receive theory, but also practice the theory so that the knowledge is acquired faster and directly implemented. He expected that the participants selected in this training will earnestly attend the training until its completion.
Vice Regent Agus Tantomo said that journalist has important role. For the government, journalist is like a brake which at anytime with its control function reminds the government in every program implementation and development activities. Meaning that the criticism by journalist is a brake, and without it, there is no control function.
Agus Tantomo said that many journalists have filled important position in this country. He took Harmoko, a minister of information in the new order, as a example who started his career as a journalist. Similarly, Dahlan Iskan, the minister of state owned enterprises (BUMN) was also a journalist. “So, journalist is not a final profession but may also be a step further for a better career,” he said.
On behalf of Berau Government, Vice Governoor Agus Tantomo also is grateful for the journalists that continuously support the tourism campaign of Bumi Batiwakkal. Therefore, with the journalistic workshop, it is expected that there will be more people who publish the tourism in this area.
“Just imagine if everyone is trained and can support the development of tourism in Berau,” he emphasized.