PT Berau Coal cares for natural and cultural preservation in Berau Regency, East Kalimantan implemented in numbers of activities, among others, cultural preservation of Sambaliung Palace, Gunung Tabur Palace and traditional art of Dayak as well as empowerment program for ethnic community of Dayak Punan Basab tribe.
The company participates in community activities able to maintain solidarity and teamwork. Among others, by giving awards, supporting flourishing arts and cultures as well as providing stimulant funds for religious activities as well as museum and palace restoration.
PT Berau Coal understands that enhancing local potential cannot be separated from efforts to conserve, identify and develop local culture. the local communities of Berau regency have a long history and rich culture, which contains local wisdom, to be preserved and made as a foundation to build strong local communities. The following community development activities of PT Berau Coal focusing on environment and culture
- preservation and development of Local Cultures, support activities and arts heritage at Keraton sambaliung and gunung tabur Museum, such as support in the coronation of traditional elder in Keraton sambaliung and participation in Keraton nusantara’s festival. pt Berau Coal also supported the operational of Keraton sambaliung and gunung tabur Museum. Maintain and develop the arts of Dayak in Bena Baru, tumbit dayak and Long Lanuk and other Berau traditions. Provide training on traditional dance and music to young people of Berau regency. aiming at preserving local culture, the training was conducted at the Batiwakal gunung tabur Museum. Cooperate with National Geographic Indonesia to develop a book and a documentation of various local cultures in Berau regency.
- Tourism village initiation, support and cooperate with marine technology education center and KKN-PPM UGM team, Yogyakarta, in Maratua island. Identify tourism potentials in, among others, Kampung Merasa, Kelay sub-district, based on uniqueness, esthetic, religion and science aspects.