PT Berau Coal (BC) once again organized a health seminar entitled Heart Disease and Healthy Nutrient. Dozens of employees and their wifes, which is organized in Persatuan Istri Karyawan (Periska) appeared to flock on Eboni room, Head Office of BC.
Opening the event, Lucky Sutrisno, Human Resources Operation BC appreciated the organizing of seminar and share the experience regarding the health impact that once made him suffer. He said, health is very important for the heads of the family because they are the backbone of the family.
With this seminar, it is expected that all employees may recognize the causes of the disease, especially heart disease which may come at anytime and other diseases so the preventive measures can be taken.
With two spokesperson Sri Adiningsih MCN, the doctor from Faculty of Community Health, Airlangga University and Muhammad Iqbal SpJH FIHA, doctor from the Pertamina Hospital Balikpapan, the seminar received positive responses from the many attending participants who enthusiastically asked about the disease they suffer and tried to find the solution.
Sri Adiningsih explained the tips to manage the nutrient for the degenerative diseases which are commonly suffered by adult and elderly.
“We must recognize healthy life style to be implemented. For example, routine workout, less fatty food, and drinking much water, eating fruits and vegetables,” she said.
“Nutrient is a chemical substance in any food and has important role in the body that less or excessive nutrient will disturb the body function or affect the health,” she added.
Andi, one of the participants, was very enthusiastic to the health seminar, in addition to improving his knowledge, he also use the opportunity to ask about his health.
“I am a kind of person who do not believe with the diet, but after I was encouraged to run the diet program, I felt the good impact of the healthy lifestyle which is very good for my body. In addition to reduce the fat in the body, it also makes the body healthier. I am also excited because I can consult directly with the doctor,” he explained.